Executive Team
2024 - 2025

Mina Gorani
The President serves as the liaison between nationals, regionals, the faculty advisor, and the SWE advisor. The President is the main point of contact for the Center for Diversity in Engineering (CDE) , the Engineering School, University-wide clubs, and employers. The President creates the agenda for SWE exec meetings, coordinates announcements for general body meetings, oversees the weekly newsletter for SWE at UVA, and ensures that every position is carrying out their responsibilities, offering suggestions for improvement when necessary.
Mina is a fourth year Civil Engineering major with a minor in Data Science from Falls Church, VA. Outside of SWE, she is also involved in the American Society of Civil Engineers, Persian Cultural Society, and Jefferson Society at UVA. Her other hobbies include trying new snacks from Trader Joe’s, powerwalking around Charlottesville, and watching period dramas.

Alysha Akhtar
Vice President of Academic and Professional Development
The VPA serves as second in command to the president and handles logistical items associated with events. The VPA supervises the Event Planning team and organizes SWE at UVA presense at both the SWE National and Regional conferences. Additionally, the VPA also heads graduate/undergraduate student mentorship within SWE at UVA.
Alysha Akhtar is a fourth year student from Richmond, Virginia. She is majoring in Biomedical Engineering and minoring in Computer Science and Data Science. Aside from SWE she is a BME Teaching Assistant, Naegle Lab Research Assistant, and a member of the Virginia Consulting Group, Raven Society, and Tau Beta Pi. In her free time she enjoys reading, DJing, and watching Wisconsin sports.

Jahnavi Dave
Vice President of Outreach
The VPO serves as second in command to the president and coordinates outreach activities at a high level through contacting sponsors and overseeing outreach chairs. The VPO is the person of contact for new outreach opportunities external to SWE and acts as a liason for those interested in volunteering and those seeking volunteers. The VOP oversees grant proposals and monitors outreach activity success and growth.
Jahnavi Dave is a fourth year student from Burke, Virginia. She is majoring in Mechanical Engineering with an Engineering Business Minor. Outside of SWE, she is involved in the Kappa Delta Sorority, Outdoors Club, and works at the UVA Center for Applied Biomechanics. She likes to read, do arts and crafts, hang out with friends, and watch Netflix shows.

Kayla Nguyen
Vice President of Finance
The VP of Finance handles the monetary aspects of the organization and is responsible for the SWE budget and bank account, writing reimbursement checks, and applying for university funding. The VPF is also responsible for approving spending based on money available to the organization and on the drafted budget for the school year. Drafts the budget for each semester and goes through the appropriations process for Student Council. The VPF is also responsible for filing an annual financial report for SWE National.
Kayla Nguyen is a fourth year from Annandale, Virginia. She is majoring in Computer Science with a minor in Data Science. Outside of SWE she is also involved in the Theta Tau Professional Engineering Fraternity, Trustees Class Council, and Delta Zeta Sorority. She enjoys photography, playing guitar, and going to concerts in her free time.

Riley Tomek
Vice President of Public Relations
The VP of PR manages administrative duties for SWE at UVA. She manages the listserv by adding names of new members at the beginning of the year and monitoring additions and requests for removal during the year. The VP of PR is also responsible for informing everyone about upcoming events and meetings, as well as drafting the SWEekly, the weekly newsletter for the SWE at UVA section.
Riley is a fourth year Systems Engineering major pursuing a minor in Data Science from Williamsburg, VA. In addition to SWE, she is involved in Smart Women Securities and the Alpha Chi Omega Sorority. In her free time, she likes to run, make fancy coffees, and attend concerts.

Rachel Huh
Director of Corporate Relations
The Director of Corporate Relations is the face of SWE in terms of networking with employers and companies. The VP of CR maintains long-term relationships with corporate sponsors, in addition to coordinating and managing events that connect companies to students. She is responsible for planning events which cater to the diverse interests and majors of SWE members. She reaches out to the Career Development Office and Engineering School to publicize corporate events to non-SWE members.
Rachel Huh is a fourth year Systems Engineering major pursing a minor in Data Science from Fairfax, VA. When she’s not involved in SWE, she may be giving tours for the University Guides Service, playing volleyball, eating, lifting, or running.

Mary Cotter
High School Outreach Co-Chair
The High School Outreach Co-Chairs organize Engineering Futures Day (EFD) in the fall and spring. They work with the VPO to secure program funding and communicate statewide with program participants. Additionally, the High School Outreach Co-Chairs communicate with SWE exec, committees, and volunteers about responsibilities prior to, during, and after events.
Mary Cotter is a third year student from Rochester, New York. She is a Mechanical Engineering major with a Computer Science minor. She is also involved in Trigon Co-ed Engineering Society, Engineering Student Council, and Kappa Delta sorority. In her free time, she likes to tailor her clothing, design and sew new clothing, run, bike, and discover new recipes.

Laurel Supplee
High School Outreach Co-Chair
The High School Outreach Co-Chairs organize Engineering Futures Day (EFD) in the fall and spring. They work with the VPO to secure program funding and communicate statewide with program participants. Additionally, the High School Outreach Co-Chairs communicate with SWE exec, committees, and volunteers about responsibilities prior to, during, and after events.
Laurel Supplee is a fourth year Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Double major from Steamboat Springs, Colorado. She is also involved in Solar Car, AOE, Outdoors Club, Virginia Alpine Ski and the Snowboard Team at UVA. She also likes to hike, ski, and hang out with her dog.

Kim Sheehan
Middle School Outreach Co-Chair
The Middle School Outreach Chairs organize Middle School Visitation (MSV). They work with the VPO to secure program funding and apply for grants, communicate locally and state-wide with program participants, and builds the SWE network of Middle school contacts. Communicates with exec officers, committees, and volunteers about responsibilities prior to, during, and after events.
Kim is a fourth year Biomedical Engineering student from Charlottesville, Virginia. Outside of SWE, she is involved in clinical research with UVA's Department of Vascular Surgery, Rodman Scholars Council, and Alpha Epsilon Delta pre-medical society. In her free time, she enjoys traveling, painting, and spending time with her friends and family.

Darrah Sheehan
Middle School Outreach Co-Chair
The Middle School Outreach Chairs organize Middle School Visitation (MSV). They work with the VPO to secure program funding and apply for grants, communicate locally and state-wide with program participants, and builds the SWE network of Middle school contacts. Communicates with exec officers, committees, and volunteers about responsibilities prior to, during, and after events.
Darrah Sheenhan is a third year Biomedical Engineering major from Charlottesville Virginia. Outside of SWE, she is AED Networking Co-Chair, Rodman Council Advising Co-Chair, involved in Engineering Student Council Academic and Professional Development Committee, Women in Medical Initiatives, Delta Zeta, and undergraduate research. In her free time, she loves trying new restaurants and going to UVA basketball games.

Joy Bethea
Girl Scout SEED Chair
The Girl Scout SEED Chair organizes the Girl Scout Science & Engineering Exploration Day (SEED).
Joy Bethea is a fourth year student from Portsmouth, Virginia. She is pursuing a major in Biomedical Engineering and is on the Pre-medicine track. She is also involved in the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) outside of SWE. In her free time, she enjoys crocheting while watching Netflix.

Olivia Sauber
Event Coordinator
The Event Coordinators organize the monthly general body SWE meetings and are responsible for providing refreshments for all relevant SWE events. The Event Coordinators also write letters for tax exemption purposes and pursue discounts from vendors.
Olivia Sauber is a third year majoring in Aerospace Engineering and minoring in Spanish from Houston, Texas. At UVA she is also involved in research at the Aerospace Research Laboratory, serves on Rodman Scholars Council, and is the Vice President of CavSat. In her free time she loves to play tennis and travel.

Preyonty Rabbani
Event Coordinator
The Event Coordinators organize the monthly general body SWE meetings and are responsible for providing refreshments for all relevant SWE events. The Event Coordinators also write letters for tax exemption purposes and pursue discounts from vendors.
Preyonty is a third year Chemical Engineering student with a Data Science Concentration from Ashburn, Virginia. She is currently an undergraduate researcher in Koenig Lab at UVA. Her other involvements include the Trigon Engineering Society and AIChE. In her free time, she loves to cook, spend time with her 21 year old blue fronted amazon parrot, and thrift for fun clothes.

Katie Chandler
Fundraising and Merchandise Chair
The Director of Fundraising and Merchandise manages the buying and selling of SWE gear, such as t-shirts and stickers, at many of the annual events. She also brainstorms and plans fundraisers.
Katie Chandler is a fourth year Systems Engineering major from Darien, Connecticut. She is minoring in Engineering Business. Aside from SWE, she is the Co-Chair of Pancakes for Parkinson's, an Analyst for McIntire Investment Institute, a member of the Delta Chi chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta, a member of the International Council of Systems Engineers, and involved in the Raven Society. In her free time she enjoys skiing, hiking, running, and cooking.

Sofia Luis
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Chair
The DEI Chair acts as a liaison with the President and Vice President of Administration to the Center for Diversity in Engineering (CDE), builds the structure of what they want DEI to look like in SWE (including community engagement), and acts as a liaison to the Women’s Center.
Sofia Luis is a second year double majoring in Electrical Engineering and Systems Engineering. She is from Falls Church, Virginia. Aside from SWE, she is involved in Trigon Engineering Society, Persian Cultural Society, Become a Problem Solver (BAPS), and UVA Outdoors Club. In her free time she enjoys running, watching soccer and reality tv, cooking, and spending time with friends.

Liv Bernard
Social Media Chair
The Social Media Chair is responsible for overseeing SWE social media including Instagram and LinkedIn.
Liv Bernard is a fourth year Systems Engineering major from Westport, Connecticut. She is minoring in Engineering Business. Aside from SWE, she is involved in the Federal Reserve Challenge Team, a member of the Kappa Alpha Theta sorority, and on the executive board of Pancakes for Parkinson's. In her free time she likes to golf, ski, hang out with friends, try new coffee shops, travel and listen to podcasts.

Shravya Etta
Alumni Relations Chair
The Alumni Relations Chair is responsible for managing the SWE alumni contacts and maintaining a list of SWE alumni information.
Shravya Etta is a first year student from Ashburn, Virginia. She is majoring in Biomedical Engineering and pursuing minors in Data Science and Engineering Business. At UVA, she is also involved in Become a Problem-Solver (BAPS), the Undergraduate Research Network, and Virginia Ke Aashiq dance team. She enjoys crocheting, running, baking, and traveling in her free time.

Nina Choi
Director of Web Design
The Director of Web Design maintains this website and aids the other executive members with events and programs. The Web Designer works with officers (mainly outreach) to establish a timeline of when updates should be made to the website relative to certain events.
Nina Choi is a first year student from Short Hills, New Jersey. She is a Systems Engineering major with a minor in Business. Outside of SWE, she is involved in the Engineering Student Council, The Childhood Cancer Project at UVA, and Women Business Forum at McIntire. In her free time she enjoys cooking, baking, hiking, and drawing.

Asma Sanaullah
First Year Representative
The First-Year Rep spearheads SWE's First Year Committee, which focuses on hosting bonding events for first-years and running SWE's big-little program. The First-Year Rep also facilitates involvement between first-years and other exec projects related to outreach, professional development, and more.
Asma Sanaullah is a first year student from Lake Mary, Florida, double majoring in Biomedical Engineering and Global Public Health. She is also involved in the Muslim Student Association and Doctors Without Borders @UVA. She enjoys baking, exploring new restaurants, and designing in her free time.